Club event reports

if you have a report or comments about an event or rally that you have attended it can be published here. let Rob Gibbons know,

  Our annual AGM and Party Night saw a great deal of activity. The meeting was well attended by those who managed to get there on such an inclement night. However, the 30 strong attendees were vocal and had much to say at the AGM, which took a good half hour longer than normal, mainly due to the agenda and the topics debated under ‘Any Other Business’. It is good to see how seriously our members feel about the issues that affect the running of the MSRVS.
  As a member of several clubs, and past member of other activities, I have often heard of many reasons that attract members to clubs, apart from the principal activity. Those activities range from model aeroplanes to ballroom dancing, and from model steam engines to motorcycle sports. For many people I have associated with, it’s the social gathering and ‘banter’ that brings together like minded souls to chat and exchange their thoughts. That is certainly true in the more male oriented activities. In clubs that attract families, there is the broader picture where younger family members can safely grow into a hobby, surrounded by more experienced members. Quite a comforting thought for parents with energetic children. Then what ties families together are the ladies. MSRVS is blessed in having so many ladies who are active at our meetings. Some actually wear boiler suits and flat caps while driving engines around at the steam ups! Apart from that, Clubs always seem to be that much better when there are ladies involved in the activities. A happy club has the atmosphere of a big family.
  The food was organised by Mary Pockett, the raffle was run by John and Liz Kidley, and the kitchen, normally manned by Dan Cutting on club nights, was run by the ladies! The party could easily have gone on beyond the 10 pm deadline but due to thoughts of getting home safely in the wet and windy conditions outside, that meant all was cleared away for our departure, then we locked up the front door just before 9 pm.
  The MSRVS is in good shape to meet again on club nights and at steam ups during its 40th year in 2025.
Derek England.


   If last month gave us a cold wet evening for Club Night, then the November 2024 Club Night gave us the first snow to traverse, in order to get to Longford Lane. Never the less, a good crowd of core members braved it for a gathering in the warmth of the Longford Village Hall. Needless to say that other road users we came across on the journey were driving at excessive speeds under the dark and frosty conditions. Just glad we did not witness any ‘accidents’ on the way home.

  There are of course people in life who suffer through the actions of others, despite trying to do the ‘right’ thing. Our talk concerned the lives of the seamen and associated business men who provided commercial transport in past centuries using the wooden sailing vessels of those days. Our speaker, local maritime historian, Paul Barnett, has spent decades researching maritime and local popular history of the Severn basin. A work he once thought could be comprehensively achieved within a few years, but 30 years later, he admits it is an ongoing work. This is mainly due to the difficulty in finding original eye witnesses, accurate written accounts and artifacts, and those people who, unbeknown to themselves, were actually creating that history.

  Wooden vessels have been used for centuries, for commercial transport, personal travel and of course, military purposes. At the pinnacle of their service during the Victorian era, sailing vessels were a well perfected technology that was being caught up by emerging new technologies – like steam engines! Suitable engines, including internal combustion ones, were added to sailing vessels initially as auxilliary to the sails they were built with, so hardy seamen still had to rig the sails and maintain the wooden structure in order to stay operational. Paul showed many examples of vessels built, operated and finally settled into ‘retirement’ , all within the Severn basin area. Some had travelled the globe but through hard work and dedication, saw long and actives working lives. For many, that ‘retirement’ either meant being broken up for scrap, or being run aground to shore up a tidal embankment, as they slowly rotted away.

  The twentieth century saw two world wars where wooden vessels were used to maintain transport. Paul concentrated on the river Torridge area where some of those vessels saw a new usefulness as moorings for barrage balloons that could be secured in the estuary to block the flight path of incoming Nazi bombers aiming for Appledore and the other towns and facilities in that area. Not being anchored, the vessels were chained to posts in the estuary so they drifted with the ebb and flow currents. this meant they had to be winched back into position, since those engines, considered surplus to requirement, had been removed. The balloons were 5000 feet (1500 metres) above on their tie cables so that enemy aircraft would risk entanglement at low altitude or have to fly higher, making bombing or surveillance more difficult. There were rumours of booby trap devices being attached to the cables that might explode on impact, thus damaging enemy aircraft, but little evidence of that policy has come to light.

  War requisitioning is usually a contracted agreement, with the promise that the equipment would be returned in suitable condition for continued post war service. However, after V.E. day, the barrage balloons were no longer required to defend the country, and it was found that the wooden vessels were then in pretty poor shape. Little damage was caused by enemy action to the vessels, but the necessary regular maintenance to tar and paint them had been neglected, meaning many had become unserviceable when returned to their owners. Overlooked by war operation, many were effectively lost, leaving their owners and crew looking for alternative occupation. A sad and unfitting end for many of those last sailing vessels and the men who operated them.


  We were not able to hold the raffle, however, donated prizes were brought in. These will supplement our December Party in a few weeks time. Paul Barnett himself discretely donated some popular film DVD’s for the raffle that will also be there for the Party. It’s refreshing to see what a caring and sharing club the MSRVS is, and that we are more than just steam engine enthusiasts.


Derek England.


      DONT FORGET – The 7th December 2024 meeting at Longford Village Hall is for our AGM and annual party. We still need to confirm your attendance so that you will be catered for, thus ensuring that we all have a productive and enjoyable evening to to finish off 2024 in preparation for the MSRVS 30th anniversary steam season in 2025.


   On a dark wet night when nobody really wants to travel, there is at least our MSRVS club night at Longford Lane to look forward to. Our speaker for the evening, Graham Stubbs regularly makes the 50 mile trip up the M5, along with Dan Cutting, as they are staunch club members who thankfully don’t seem to mind the dark wet nights. Must be made of some stern stuff! This talk was the follow up to Graham’s talk from June last year, when he gave us an insight into his experience as a young man entering the Royal Navy. It’s a tough life in the Navy, as anyone who has ever served will let you know. Grahams chosen career was in submarines, which requires exacting training with regard to operations and safety. Long before setting foot aboard a submarine, there is some serious training to face, for instance, how to escape a stricken vessel that could be hundreds of feet below the surface of the sea!

  Graham showed pictures of the Submarine Escape Tower, located in Fort Blockhouse, a former military training site in Gosport (opposite His Majesties Naval Base in Portsmouth). The tower, built between 1949 and 1953, was conceived after a report by Captain Phillip Ruck-Keene just after WW2, to revamp submarine escape procedures in the face of advancing technology and submarine design. War tends to rapidly advance technology, and many lessons had to be leaned, particularly from such accidents as HMS Thetis and HMS Truculent, in which both civilian and military personnel were lost needlessly. Paul Barnett is booked to give a talk on HMS Thetis in June 2026. Will have to wait for that one. The Submarine Escape Tower houses the Submarine Escape Training Tank (S.E.T.T.), which is 20 feet in diameter and holds 100 foot head of water. That’s 200,000 gallons of water, which incidentally, was kept at 34 degrees centigrade ( 94 degrees Fahrenheit ) possibly due to the fact that the instructors are in it throughout each day.

  The tank mimics the two main methods of escape. First , the non preferred way , Compartmental, which utilises either the forward (Torpedo Room) or the aft (Engine Room) compartments, each of which is sealed from the main central cabin by watertight bulkheads. Secondly, the preferred method, Tower Escape, in which a tall cylindrical vessel ( built into the main cabin ) big enough for 2 men (at a time) to enter, is closed from the cabin, then flooded by outside water via a hatch in the top, where the 2 men can escape straight up to the surface. Each man would be wearing a bright orange escape suit, which was double skinned and inflated with air for breathing and sufficient buoyancy for a quick ascent to the surface. Facilities at the bottom of the tower allowed groups of trainees to practice these 2 methods. Even at 100 foot depth, the water pressure is around 50 PSI ( 3.5 barg) above atmospheric, so the escapee’s would start with a deep breath and release air all the way to the surface to relieve built up lung pressure from depth back to atmospheric when they reached the surface of the water. Failure to release the air gradually could result in exploded lungs, which would be fatal. The tank has a cable running up the centre to help guide each escapee and prevent them from colliding with the sides of the tank. The inflated escape suits are not particularly hydrodynamic, so may wander sideways on their way to the surface. In a real escape situation in the open sea, there is not likely to be any obstacles to collide with between the stricken submarine and the surface of the water.

  Before trainees attempt the full 100 foot escape, there are 2 other platforms higher up the tank for 30 foot and 60 foot depth escapes. These escapes are performed by trainees who are wearing only swimming trunks, and used primarily to practice the slow release of air upon ascent to the surface. No breathing apparatus or air supply is used for this part of the training. The escape cylinder containing a trainee and an instructor, would be flooded. A curtain hanging from the top of the cylinder would trap enough air in the flooding cylinder for a deep breath before the trainee ducked under the curtain and into the main tank. The instructor would not release the trainee until he is blowing hard, such is the serious nature of ascent through water, even from a depth of 30 feet.

  All trainees upon reaching the surface, would climb out onto the platform and rest for a few minutes so they could be assessed as fully recovered from the exercise. Apart from Graham having partaken in this training, in the audience was Nigel Graham, who had also experienced these escapes when he was a civilian contractor working in the Tower. Nigel shared his experiences with us and described some updates made in the facility since Graham’s training days.

  The Tower was commissioned for use in July 1953 and tens of thousands have since trained in it before it was closed in 2020. Due to the advances in submarine design and updated escape procedures, the tower is no longer required as a training facility, but it remains as a listed building. Trainees completing the Tower training programme would then receive their ‘Submarine Pay’, but with more training to come, they were still a long way from actually boarding a submarine for active service.


Derek England.


  For September, we had a new take on the talk. No engineering or pioneer based subjects, and not a hint of steam engines! It was my turn to talk on a subject I have found interesting since I studied languages back in school. Phrases, sayings and Proverbs form a part of our everyday language, but how much do we know about their origins and true meanings?

  I brought along a list of 34 phrases, sayings, proverbs, and even words that had changed meaning, so as to be sure of having sufficient material for an hour’s talk. Thankfully, comments and chat from the members ensured that by number 29, we were about an hour and twenty minutes in and it was time to curtail the talk for the all important raffle! I kept the definitions and explanations as light and humorous as I could, hoping not to bore everyone with one of my pet interests. Then I finished up with the expression “There’s no fool like an old fool” followed by the admission that I had reached 73 years of age that day. Then out of the blue, Liz Kidley presented me with a birthday cake, which was cut into slices to share with all those present.

  I am not a public speaker and only have experience addressing meetings of project engineering staff. Apart from that, I have been the Spokesman whilst on Jury Service about ten years ago. That was quite a stimulating experience. This all goes to show that anyone who has an interest or passion that they have studied, can give a reasonable talk at our MSRVS club nights, or for any other small gathering. Many other MSRVS members have given memorable talks in the past, without having lots of experience as speakers.


  Well it’s summertime and the steam up/rally season for MSRVS members, as well as for many other like minded souls, is well under way. Despite some poor weather, there have been some good meetings with many new memories made. Our July Club Night meeting featured a documentary film about the origins of steam as the driving force behind the industrial revolution, particularly in the fields of mass production and transport. Who would  be  a better person to talk us through this rich and important history than Mr Fred Dibnah!  Fred’s very down to earth analysis and description of the engineering and politics makes easy listening for non technically minded people, and food for reflection for the more involved devotees of steam. If only Fred were still with us and available to deliver a talk in person! However, we were able to bring out the Club projector to watch Fred’s work via DVD. Thankfully the modern electronic technology has been used to record the history of old technology for us to reflect on, in this wonderful hobby of operating steam engines.

  Fred talked us through from Thomas Newcomen’s early beam engines of 1712, for pumping water out of deep mines, through to Richard Trevithick’s road going ‘Puffing Devil’ steam powered engine. A replica of this engine was built, and registered for use on the road in 2001, to commemorate 100 years since the original engine of 1801, and the substantial improvements made between Newcomen’s and Trevithick’s time. Newcomen’s engine was of low pressure steam, which having delivered one stroke of the piston, the steam was condensed in the cylinder to effect an ‘atmospheric’ second stroke to bring the piston back to the top of it’s stroke. Trevithick used Boulton and Watt’s improved principle of an external condenser to prevent constant heating and cooling of the cylinder, thus improving fuel efficiency. Trevithick had a constant battle with Boulton and Watt for use of their patents without royalty payment, and fitted ‘Puffing Devil’ with a double acting cylinder arrangement. The need for an external condenser was overcome by ejecting the spent steam from the cylinder directly to atmosphere up a chimney.

  Talking among ourselves after the film, It was easy to compare the pioneering work done during those early years to the more leisurely and enjoyable pastime experienced by today’s steam engine operators, and for those who just love to watch. I’m not saying that operating a modern engine is easy, and it certainly is not. There is a lot of time and trouble needed to prepare an engine for a show. Not to mention the expense. However, those early pioneers had little precedent to follow when developing efficient steam power. There were no material stockists, engineering standards or accessible fuel suppliers to rely upon, so all these things needed to be developed, and that takes time.

  I can’t help thinking that the modern engine operators at the steam ups and rallies have a more encompassing experience than those former engineers. Camper vans and families are nowadays there to enhance a weekend gathering. Drivers are relaxed with one hand on the steering wheel as they cruise around on their engines, enjoying the passion of those pioneers and explorers of earlier times.


Derek England.


  The listed talk for Tuesday was regarding HMS Thetis, a submarine disaster, starting from it’s launch date, which was blamed on neglected paintwork. This talk will be re-scheduled for a later date.

  However, since in June 2024 we are witnessing the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, our speaker Paul Barnett thought it more appropriate to present a talk based on his long term research of Severn estuary, river and Gloucester to Sharpness canal war time history. Paul has given us talks before on Gloucestershire’s involvement in the war effort, which has proven difficult to research due to military records not released for decades after the events. Also there were restrictions to prevent war planning being made public at critical times.

  Men of service age and fitness were conscripted into military service, except for those in reserved occupations. As a largely agricultural county, this meant that many women joined the Land Girls to work on the farms. Women also filled in the previously male dominated other professions where those men had gone to war. Apart from digging for victory to feed the populace, someone had to keep the home fires burning for combatants to return to after the conflict. Men in reserved occupations joined one of the many Home Guard units. Some units were based at village or district, and even company locations.

  Virtually all metals were classified as strategic material for war production.Timber, however, was not a classified strategic material, so was not seen as much of a target for Nazi interest when the bombing started. So import of various timbers from around the world continued at Lydney, where a shadow factory was built at the Pine End Works to process the logs. Mounted between centres, the logs were were turned into clean cylindrical form before being unrolled into thin sheets, from which plywood structures could be fabricated. The DeHavilland Mosquito fighter/bomber was one such aeroplane constructed from plywood. The Horsa troop transport gliders were also fabricated in a similar manner. Gloster Aircraft built nearly 3000 Hurricane fighters during WW2, where most of the fuselages were constructed from timber.

  Between 1939 and 1966, the demasted sailing ship Vindicatrix was moored at the Old Dock in Sharpness as a training hulk for the Merchant Navy.

  The early WW2, from September 1939 to May 1940 was known as the ‘Phoney War’ because little action by the Nazi’s was seen locally. Children in Gloucestershire were among the one and a half million in Britain to be evacuated from populated or otherwise anticipated bombing target areas to relatively safe rural districts. However, this early inactivity caused many parents to request return of their children, even to relatively ‘safe’ towns as Cheltenham. The county had significant engineering bases to produce aircraft, land and maritime equipment to support the war effort, but the public were not aware how important a role the county was playing at that time.

  After the war, Nazi planned invasion routes targeting the county as an important seat of resistance to them, were revealed by German sources. Also, much of the equipment and personnel for the Allies ‘D’ Day invasion was shipped from the Severn estuary and bound for the English channel ports ahead of the action. This was so top secret during the war, that little more than rumours circulated the local population, and decades later, few eye witnesses can be found with genuine information about activities in the war. Mum certainly was the word!


Derek England.


  The MSRVS has attended this annual event for the last 3 years – and it gets better each year. The main event at Highnam Court is centered on a Classic Car Show that aims to draw in a wide spectrum of the public to view the hundreds of classic cars parked on the spacious gardens, fronted by lakes, in the front of the main house. The whole event is staged in support of The Pied Piper Appeal, a charity that helps sick and disabled children in Gloucestershire. The large fields to the Gloucester side of the main house accommodated the support shows, such as ice cream, food and drinks cafes, with Police, transport and modern car stands, that engaged individuals with details of their services. Other attractions were the Gloucester based Family History Society and a gentleman from the Cheltenham Model Engineers, who displayed his working steam and heat engine powered models on a table top display. In the centre of the field was a bandstand for public address and entertainment by music and singers. The usual bouncy castle with children’s rides and a helter skelter were also in the central area, allowing for a ‘doughnut’ shaped public access between the shows. Other adjacent fields were used for parking the hundreds of cars that brought thousands of people to the show.

  MSRVS had our customary pitch on the outside of the ‘doughnut’ where our members operated ‘road trains’ offering free rides to the public through the ‘doughnut’ at walking pace and alongside pedestrians. This year we had 10 engines operating and all towing one or two trailers each. All engines remained in steam throughout the show, and hundreds of people took the rides as well as chatting to our members about their engines. This year, Matt and Harry Long brought their 2 engines to share the experience with seasoned engine operators. From President John Bagwell’s 2” engine up to chairman John Kidley’s 6” engine, they lined up as queues of people took their choice of ride. Rob Gibbons, ably assisted by his granddaughter, were the early starters making two or three circuits before all engines were lined up. Young Oliver Maunder is proving to be a competent and capable ‘steam apprentice’ operating his own engine. Mum Louise was always in attendance, but was able to devote time to other duties that the ladies perform, which is essential to the successful running of any club. Louise is happy to report that there will be six ‘steam apprentices’ with their family’s support attending the Tewkesbury Steam up in a couple of weeks time. Some of the public at the show with young children having finished one ride were choosing the next engine for another go. The day was busy from before the 10 o’clock official public entrance through to 3.30 in the afternoon, when the car park could be seen to be emptying slowly. It was gone 5.30 by the time all the engines were carefully loaded for the homeward trip.

  As a club member without a steam engine, I had the chance to go round the show to see the attractions, and observe what makes this kind of event so popular. The local display personnel were friendly and engaging as could be seen by the time it took me to get a chance to talk to any of them. Near the end of the day, several ice cream vendors came to us offering free ice creams and lollies that they did not wish to take back home with them. How Refreshing! The main classic car area had representation from nearly all genres of motoring from American iron to Rolls Royce, Mini to Porche, and MGB to Morris 8. A selection big enough to cater for anyone’s interest. Drivers and owners were usually seated near their cars and readily spoke to those enquiring details of that particular model. For me, I spoke to several Morris 8 owners, as my late father had owned and driven several Morris cars. I myself owned and drove later Morris cars decades ago and so had common interest to chat about the vehicles on display.

  On reflexion, the relatively simple transport of those earlier years, that needed regular maintenance and loving care to ensure that it remained functional and reliable, often became ‘part of the family’, and even years after parting with a vehicle, it is still fondly remembered with the spirit of adventure that motoring was back then. Later vehicles boasting higher performance were there with bonnets raised ( hoods on the Americana ) to show off their technical specification. Hundreds of people circulated the cars, probably looking for the ones that appealed to those individuals. People of all ages and backgrounds with families from babe in arms to those too old for every day practical motoring were enjoying the warm but indifferent June weather that thankfully remained dry.

  Similarly, the variety of people attracted to MSRVS steam engine rides were undoubtedly attracted by a familiar concept rarely seen in common use today. As with steam railway engines, the working parts can be seen moving, so generating an appearance of life in the machine. This has always given weight to the argument that steam is a more popular spectacle than diesel on the railway. Being ever vigilant to safety, and the fear of little hands tempted to touch hot metal engines, it seemed that the heat, coal smoke and smell of hot oil was enough to keep people of all ages clear enough without spoiling their enthusiasm and wilfulness to see and ride on the engines. Not wishing to make light of health and safety, we do take this subject seriously, but it was good to see that general common sense was sufficient on the day when steam engines were active in a public environment. Without a doubt, this was an enjoyable event, and a good day out for all who came.



Derek England.


  On an overcast evening which should have been bright and warm, The members and guests arrived at Longford Lane for a relaxed evening where many were chatting about the Castle Combe Steam Rally of the previous weekend that some had attended, complete with their road engines. There was also much talk of the following weekend’s steam up at Blue Lias, where the impending wet weather may play a significant part in how well the proceedings will go. Well, you plan for the worst and hope for the best. Keep an eye on the MSRVS web page for reports, if you are planning not to attend but don’t want to miss the action anyway.

  The night was special for me as I had prepared for my first talk at an MSRVS club night. After 16 or so years as a member and 5 years as Events Organiser, It was about time I dipped a few toes into the murky water of public talking. In order to create some anticipation, I picked a subject without revealing what that subject was, until the night. The “Surprise, Surprise” turned out to be on the subject of Ballroom Dancing. The twist in my talk was to illustrate the link between the Etiquette part of Ballroom Dancing and the ownership and operation of model road going steam engines. Like so many seemingly polar opposite subjects that are individually examined for comparison, it was not too difficult to find features with a common origin.

  First I talked about the history of Ballroom Dancing as a refined social media for the privileged classes, where institutional etiquette played a vital part. Common people had their ‘folk’ style dances with simpler traditions and behaviour. At the turn of the Twentieth century, industrialised Empirical Britain meant there was greater affluence in the lower classes of society that had never been seen before. Higher standards of living were becoming expected. At that time there were some who were trying to bring respectful Ballroom dancing into the public domain. One such person was Victor Silvester, whose first passion for music, and his later found love for dance, became his life’s work, that he tirelessly pursued throughout his life as a leading light on the subject of Ballroom Dance. His style, dignity and the all important etiquette remained integral in both social and competitive dancing.

  So what does this all have to do with steam engines? Well, with the aid of Liz Kidley, a lady with Ballroom dance experience, I was able to demonstrate the tradition of approaching a lady in order to have a dance with her. This lead me into explaining how some these traditions likely began. One such tradition focused on a traveller on foot who met a stranger approaching in the opposite direction – was the other person friendly, or was he a potential highway man looking for a victim? The simple solution was that each man pass on the left side, then each could draw a sword for defence, should that be required. It is likely that this led to the British driving cars on the left side of the road. Similarly, a groom at a wedding remains on his bride’s right hand side, to show his ability and willingness to draw his sword to defend them both from potential danger. This led to a lively debate in the room concerning the layout of most road going steam engines, and concluded that simple practical thinking leads to the sound practical layout found in useable steam engines today.

  So what does all this have to do with Ballroom  Dancing? Well, considering the down to earth practical thinking that went into the established layout of steam engines, and the rudimentary tradition of social interaction that becomes expected, and accepted as etiquette, these two quite different subjects do indeed share some common ground.


Derek England.


  First of all, this is not the talk that was advertised for last Tuesdays’ meeting. The reason for a change of talks is that new material has come to light regarding the vessels lost on the Severn estuary along the stretch between Bristol and Bridgewater. So the talk “Run Down River – Shipwrecks and Loss from Bristol to Bridgewater” will be postponed until 17th June 2025. Last Tuesday’s talk was based on vessels lost even closer to home, on the Stroudwater canal.

  Having worked for various companies based along the Stroudwater canal, I have spent many lunchtimes wandering along the banks watching wildlife, local architecture and the slow but steady reinstatement of that body of water that is bringing life and purpose back to the discarded waterway. Paul Barnett’s research shows that 7 identifiable vessels had been abandoned along the canal from Brimscombe to Framilode, for various reasons. Other vessels will be revealed during the reinstatement work now going on. Among those anticipated are 3 vessels believed still buried in the Brimscombe dock.

  Paul illustrated the history of these known vessels using photographs and documented details of their builders and owners that he has gathered from his research. Paul’s recently published book “Fore and Aft” documents other vessels lost in the Purton, Lydney and Sharpness area, and no doubt this current research will lead to a future publication for the Stroudwater area currently being refurbished.  This talk was centred on 2 of the 7 vessels. These were pulled from the water at Ebley onto an adjacent field to avoid payment of duty during the nineteenth century. They were the ILA and the PERSEVERANCE that had finished their useful working life on water, and subsequently been utilised as chicken coops. Through a series of photographs and documents produced since then, a picture emerged of their fate. Topographical ariel photography taken over the last hundred years show outlines of the vessels in that location as they slowly rotted into the ground. Until 1977, ariel photography was strictly monochrome, which gives good definition to objects on the ground or near the surface, despite grass and tree growth obscuring them. Since 1977, ariel photography has become exclusively colour, which make good pictures for commercial work but the greenery becomes dominant and obscures the decaying detail. That is until modern LIDAR ( Light Detection and Ranging ) came along. This technology carried by modern radio controlled Drones is economically and commercially available and yields excellent results in the search over large areas of the earth from above.

  Paul has also linked his investigation with Dave Smith of the Cheltenham based CHADS ( Cotswold Heritage and Detecting Society ). The ILA and the PERSEVERANCE have all but disappeared above ground, but using the CHADS metal detecting equipment, the iron based remains were traced in the field where the vessels were located. CHADS are an organised group who work for personal enjoyment and historic research reasons, and have close ties with local archeologists.

  The Ebley site where the ILA and PERSEVERANCE are located is less than half a mile up the canal from where I saw 2 steel narrow boat hulls placed just 20 feet from the canal bank. This was about 15 years ago, and within view of a friend’s house. He told me that the vessels were returned to service as pleasure craft, but retained their former working history and appearance as bulk carriers, with authentic paint livery, modern propulsion and facilities on board.

  Such is the fate of individual vessels in our ever changing economic world. Their service life contributes to our economy and our recreation, but when they are no longer needed, they are often left to be reclaimed by the Earth.


Derek England.


  Our very own Ted Tedaldi produced a quiz to test our members and guests on their knowledge of local places and events. That is those of us who live in the Gloucestershire county or near by, and regularly attend club nights. These quiz nights are not meant to be taken too seriously and much banter and gentle barracking is the norn, so long as good interaction between the participants allows everyone a chance to let off steam (pun intended). Steam for tea and coffee was raised by Dan Cutting and the distribution of said beverages ably assisted by Mary and Sandra. Chris and Liz took care of the raffle as always which just goes to show that the ladies are always there to make MSRVS club nights memorable.

  The twenty of us gathered in groups of 2 or 3 to form teams, then Ted led us through a fairly informal 32 question quiz that initially resembled a schoolroom (or playground) fun event. After the first couple of fairly easy questions, which Ted let slip some fairly easy answers, things settled down as the quiet in the room became testament to some serious head scratching. Yes, the mild and gentle mannered membership at our gatherings are seriously competitive. Besides, it can be fun to get one over on the next team! One or two of Ted’s questions were suitably vague enough to make more than one answer possible. In at least one case, the internet was consulted to verify a few facts about the subject in question. The net result of this is that we all ended up learning a few things we may not have known before.

  Just when you think you know the area where you live, there’s no better test than a quiz! I like to watch TV panel games and quiz shows. The questions are usually general knowledge that armchair pundits find easy. Those in front of the camera are under more pressure to win the big prize, and do not always succeed. Entertainment is the name of the game, win or lose, which is why we have these events on MSRVS Club Nights. Did I mention that we were gathered in groups of 2 or 3 ? In fact there were several groups of 3 and one group of 4 – and I was on my own, because I was taking notes for this report. This is no excuse for the fact that I only scored 11 from 32, which was the lowest (reported) in the room, but then, I learned a few things I did not know before!

  It was good to see 2 new members in attendance at our gathering, Matt and Harry Long, who as owners of a road going steam engine, are looking forward to mixing with kindred spirits who participate in the world of model steam road vehicle ownership and operation. Experienced club members are usually on hand to help newcomers with their engines. That’s what being a club member is all about. I am sure Matt and Harry will be at our Tewkesbury steam up in June, and possibly at other events our members are looking forward to this year.

Derek England


  Approximately 18% of world trade is transported around the world by ships. These are the carriers that work around the clock to deliver every day goods, bulk materials for industry and fuel necessary for our daily life. We rarely give this industry a second thought until something goes wrong. A ship that has sunk, or wrecked on the rocks and spilling oil into the sea then makes headlines. Losing ships this way means human, financial and environmental losses. Despite the risks, huge profit is the reward for those who gamble with investment.
  Paul’s talk was based on the bulk carriers that made significant impact in commerce since their introductions during the nineteenth century, and still do today. Coal fired steam was powering industry and whale oil lubricated fine instruments and clocks. in 1850, mineral oil was being refined by the James Young process so that kerosene could be used to light streets and homes. This new and apparently abundant fuel source could not have come soon enough as 40 years of whaling had virtually decimated the whale population in the north Atlantic. British oil from Burma in 1850 was followed by Pennsylvania oil, which had become a major supplier by 1860.
  The steam and wind powered vessels were basic traders that carried the oil in barrels. As demand for the product grew, it was noticed that barrels waste at least 25% of the space available. In 1861, the Elizabeth Watts was converted into the worlds first liquified oil bulk carrier, able to carry 1300 tons of petroleum. On a trip from Borneo to Australia, she struck a reef near Victoria and was sunk with total loss. The first purpose built oil tankers were being built in 1863. these were open topped vessels where the oil fumes were present in the hull causing nausea and sickness for the crew. This included the first ocean going steam vessel built in Jarrow during 1873 with a gross weight of 2760 tons.
  by 1877, W.A. Riedmann entered the the oil trade. He converted former emigrant ships ‘Adona’ and ‘Derby’ into bulk carriers with inter connected tanks that could be filled with sea water for ballast after discharging their oil cargo. The oil could be loaded and discharged through one pipe and the ship balanced by pumping oil from tank to tank. On 15th March 1888, the ‘Geeste’ making for New York with a cargo of iron and water ballast, became stranded off Great Yarmouth.
  In 1883, Henry Frederick Swan designed 3 vessels to overcome the ‘Free Surface Effect’. This phenomenon where liquids or bulk materials that flow like liquids, can cause a vessel to become unstable and roll over. Swan introduced design features like Cofferdams, Horizontal Bulkheads and Vapour Lines to improve safe operation of bulk carriers. Later in 1903, Combustion engines were introduced to power bulk carriers and replace steam and wind power, as the vessels were becoming larger.
  In 1915, the USS Maumee (14500 tons) was a pioneer vessel that could transfer oil at sea, vessel to vessel. The ships too big to enter port to load and unload, could transfer to smaller vessels, and eventually to and from offshore piers.
  Daniel Keith Lugwig, considered to be the ‘Father of the Supertanker’, introduced methods of construction for even larger vessels in the 1920’s. Welded steel hulls to replace traditional riveted hulls, and placing the engine at the rear of the vessel instead of mid ships. Welded hull construction proved invaluable decades later producing the ‘Liberty’ ships during WW2. Through the 1960’s and 1970’s, bulk carrying ships had grown up to over 500,000 tons, which were more economic for long journeys, caused by untimely closure of the Suez and Panama canals. Currently, the ‘Knock Nevis’ is the largest ocean going vessel at 564,000 tonnes. Her 80 foot draught means she is not able to safely navigate the English Chanel. Political history in the Suez and low water availability in the Panama has from time to time favoured the larger vessels on grounds of economy.
  Despite the steady advance in design of shipping, disasters at sea have had major effects on commerce, safety and environmental health. Paul talked about notable disasters like the ‘Torrey Canyon’ in 1967, where the oil spillage destroyed marine birds and seals and fish. unfortunately, the detergent used to disperse the oil destroyed the same amount of wild life as the oil, but improved and safe clean up solutions are now available. The ‘Herald of Free Enterprise’, a roll on roll off passenger and car ferry sank when the bow doors were left open while leaving dock, took on board huge amounts of sea water and sank, killing 193 people in 1987. Overloaded ferries in the East are to this day are sinking, despite the lessons learned, which all goes to show how relentless the sea is, and that we have not mastered it yet.
Derek England.